New options for combined TIFF files if file(s) with the same filename already exists in the output location (-options ocf switch): Append, Create separate file, Overwrite, Skip
Ability to use standard wildcards in file list files: asterisk (*) and question mark (?)
Preserving original color space in output TIFF files (-tiff leave_cs switch)
Maintaining input folder structure in the output folder for post-processing actions (-postproc keepsf parameter)
Setting character encoding for HTML files when not specified in source file (Code page)
New Edit Operations tab in 2TIFF Settings featuring: Text Watermark, Image Watermark, Barcode Watermark, Rotate Operation, and Auto Rotate operations
Added Export and Import buttons for saving and loading 2TIFF Settings
Support for loading saved custom 2TIFF Settings using the -inipath switch
New Text watermark macros: source filename regular expressions (like Take digits from the end) for using source file data in output filenames or watermarks, Username {user}, Computer name {computer}, Full date {Date(M-d-yyyy)}, Full time {Time(h-mm-ss tt)}, and Source file page number (text/numerical format) {SrcFilePageNo}, {SrcFilePageNo(Words)}
New and improved component for processing Outlook MSG and EML files
New primary component available for Excel file (XLS/XLSX/CSV) processing without Microsoft Excel software installed on the computer